Frame with Velcro fasteners
Objective: Promote undressing and dressing
Material: Frame with Velcro fasteners*
Preparation: The Velcro fasteners are closed and the frame is placed on a tray or directly in the cupboard.
Execution: The child practices opening and closing the Velcro fasteners, which helps him/her to get dressed and undressed by him/herself. The frame in the picture also contains the possibility of threading the Velcro fasteners, whereby the children will still need the support of an adult at the beginning.
Velcro house construction
Objective: Promote undressing and dressing
Material: colored paper, self-adhesive Velcro*, laminator*
Preparation: A house with windows and doors is made with the colored paper and the individual parts are laminated. Then the Velcro is applied so that the child can put the window, door and roof in the right place. Finally, the individual parts are placed on the tray or in a basket on the tray.
Execution: The child puts the house together. Afterwards it is disassembled into the individual parts again.
This material can also be used to promote shape perception.
Explorer bus
Objective: Promote undressing and dressing
Material: Discovery bus from Lamaze*
Preparation: The bus is placed on a tray or directly in the cupboard.
Execution: The bus has all the important fastening techniques integrated in a cute way. These include: Velcro, zipper, button, snaps and bow. Since children as young as 14 months are already able to open and close Velcro, this is wonderful for practice. Older children can then also learn the other closure techniques on it.
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