Laying color sticks
Objective: Promote memory skills
Material: Foam rubber dots*, wooden sticks, paper, laminator*, felt tip pens
Preparation: Glue 3 different colored dots on each of the wooden sticks. One at each end and one in the middle of the stick. Then place them on the A4 paper and color dots in the same colors with the same spacing. The paper is laminated to last longer. Then both are placed on the tray.
Execution: The child takes a stick from the left, first names the colors, then looks for the matching row with the same colors on the right side of the paper and places the stick on it. He/she repeats this until all the sticks are in the correct place on the paper.
This tray can also be used to promote visual perception.
Numbers caterpillar
Objective: Promote understanding of numbers and counting
Material: Colorful stickers*, paper, black felt-tip pen
Preparation: A caterpillar’s head is drawn on the paper. The colored stickers are labeled with the numbers from 1-20. Depending on the child’s age and understanding of numbers, a different set of stickers can be used.
Execution: The child gradually looks for the numbers from 1-20 and counts up, starting with 1. Whenever he or she adds a sticker to the caterpillar, he or she names the number.
Quips game from Ravensburger
Objective: Promote the perception of quantities
Material: Quips Game from Ravensburger*, basket
Preparation: The Quips stones are placed in a basket. This is placed on the tray together with the game board and the dice..
Execution: The child rolls both dice and is then allowed to place the amount of stones of the color rolled with the second dice on his/her game board. When all the squares are covered, the game is over. This can also be played with several people as Ravensburger intended.
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