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Activities of Practical Life - 21 month

Clothespins sun


Objective: Promote eye-hand coordination, tweezer grip

Material: Yellow paper, black pen, laminator*, clothespins, basket

Preparation: Cut a large round circle from the yellow paper. Then draw a friendly face on it with the black pen. Now laminate the circle and cut it out again. The clothespins are placed in a basket and put on the tray together with the yellow face.

Execution: The child takes the clothespins one by one from the basket and clamps them to the edge of the face until a fantastic sun is formed. Then the clothespins are taken off again and put back into the basket.

Clothespins sun
Color sorted clothespins

Color sorted clothespins

Objective: Promote eye-hand coordination, tweezer grip, and color perception

Material: Colored paper, laminator*, colorful small clothespins*, basket

Preparation: Cut circles of equal size from the colored paper. These are laminated and cut out again. The clothespins are placed in a basket and placed on the tray along with the colorful circles.

Execution: The child takes the clothespins one by one from the basket and clamps them to the edge of the color-matched circle. When all the clothespins have been matched in color, they are unclipped and placed back in the basket.
This exercise can also be assigned to visual perception.

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