ABC stickers
Objective: Promote eye-hand coordination, memory skills and letter comprehension
Material: Colorful stickers*, paper, black felt-tip pen
Preparation: On a blank sheet of paper, the alphabet is written randomly. All the letters of the alphabet are also written on the colorful stickers. Both are placed on a tray.
Execution: The child sticks the stickers on the matching letters on the paper. Depending on their level of knowledge, they can say “This is an “A”” each time they stick a letter.
Name stickers
Objective: Promote eye-hand coordination, memory skills, and letter comprehension
Material: Colorful stickers*, paper, black felt-tip pen
Preparation: Ice cream cones are drawn on a blank sheet of paper and the child’s name is written in them.
The letters of the child’s name are also written on the colorful stickers. Both are placed on a tray.
Execution: The child sticks the stickers with the same letter over the matching ice cream cone on the sheet of paper as if they were ice cream scoops in a cone. Depending on their level of knowledge, they can say “This is an “E”” each time they stick a letter.
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