A band on a tray
Objective: Promote auditory perception
Material: Musical instruments*
Preparation: All musical instruments are placed on a tray.
Execution: The child plays with the musical instruments. It explores the different sounds, how the instruments sound individually or when they are tapped against each other.

Theme tray sheep
Objective: Promote language comprehensionn
Material: Sound cube from Melissa and Doug*, Shake Me Book Sheep*, Sheep from Schleich*, Sheep from Duplo*
Preparation: All objects related to the sheep theme are placed on a tray.
Execution: This theme tray is used to introduce the child to a first animal. In this case the sheep. The child can not only see the animal, but also touch it (Schleich) and hear it (dice and sound book). This allows the child to learn first words more easily by seeing, hearing and feeling.
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