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Motor Skills - 3 years

First hammer game


Objective: Promote eye-hand coordination and pincer grasp

Material: Hammer game*

Preparation: The wooden pieces are placed in a basket. This is placed on the tray together with the box with the nails, the hammer and the cork plate.

Execution: The child takes a wooden piece from the basket and nails it to the cork board with the nails. This is repeated as long as the child wants to play. Then all the pieces are put back in their place and back on the tray.

First hammer game
Threading bead shapes

Threading bead shapes

Objective: Promote eye-hand coordination and pincer grasp

Materials: Iron-on beads*, colored paper, felt-tip pen, laminator*, hot glue gun*, needle, thread

Preparation: Cut out different shapes from the colored paper. In the center of each, write the name of the character. Then laminate them and cut them out. Then, iron-on beads are glued around the shapes.
In addition, a roll of thread and a needle are prepared.

Execution: The child rolls the thread from the roll and begins to thread it through the iron-on beads with the needle (this is already threaded). If no knot is made at the end, the thread can simply be pulled through. When the child is finished, the thread is wrapped back onto the roll with the help of an adult or alone, depending on the age of the child.

Building a tower


Objective: Promote eye-hand coordination and pincer grasp

Material: Skill game*, basket

Preparation: All wooden pieces are placed in the basket and the basket is placed on a tray together with the building suggestions.

Preparation: All wooden pieces are placed in the basket and the basket is placed on a tray together with the building suggestions.

Building a tower

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