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Art Materials - 18 month



Objective: Promote eye-hand coordination and creativity

Material: Stamps*, ink pad*, paper

Preparation: The stamps, ink pads and paper are placed on a tray.

Execution: The child uses the stamps to mark on the paper. It learns the sequence, first the stamp on the pad and then on the paper.
At the beginning, this exercise should only be done under adult supervision so that the ink really only lands on the paper and not on everything.

Blur colors

Blur colors


Objective: Promote eye-hand coordination and creativity

Material: Djeco finger paints game*

Preparation: An animal template is selected, opened and color blobs are sprayed on the inside. Then the animal template is closed again. Depending on the child and how long the tray has been in the cupboard without being worked on, the sides can also be taped closed so that the paint does not dry out and the child does not get the idea of opening it and smudging it with the paint.

Execution: The child smudges the colors with his/her fingers under the foil and paints the animal with it. When the child is finished, the figure is simply held under the tap and the paint is wiped off, then the tray can be prepared again.

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