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Visual Perception - 4 years

Shape puzzle


Objective: Promote shape perception

Material: Wooden puzzle from Goki*, basket

Preparation: All puzzle pieces are taken out of the frame and placed in the basket. This is placed on a tray together with the frame. The puzzle solving paper (the paper with the finished picture of the puzzle) can either be placed on the tray or if it is to be more difficult, not placed on the tray.

Execution: The child places the puzzle in the frame, either using the template or if it should be more difficult, without it.

Goki Puzzle
Color shades clips

Recognize color nuances

Objective: Promote color perception

Material: Small clothespins, basket, cards with different fruits and color nuances, laminator*, scissors

Preparation: Cards with different fruits and a selection of 3 color nuances of the fruit are created, printed, cut out and laminated. On the back of each card, for example, a dot is used to mark which is the correct color so that the child has a self-check function. Small clothespins are then placed in a basket and this is placed next to the stack of fruit cards on the tray.

Execution: The child takes a card from the pile and clips the clothespin to the correct color on the lower part of the card. This requires a very close look, as the 3 colors at the bottom of the card are very similar. Then the card can be turned over and checked using the dot to see if the clothespin is in the right place.

Laying the tangram


Objective: Promote shape perception

Material: Tangram*, tangram cards, basket

Preparation: All tangram pieces are mixed and placed in a basket. The cards and solution cards are placed on the tray. If desired, the pattern and solution cards can be glued to each other with the pattern on the front and the solution on the back of the card.

Execution: The child uses the tangram pieces to copy the template cards. Smaller children can also first take only the solution cards and replicate them. Older children take the practice cards, put them back and can then compare the solution cards to see if the tangram was placed correctly.

Laying the Tangram
Color shades clips

Color shades clips

Objective: Promote color perception

Material: Clothespins and color cards*, basket

Preparation: All clothespins are placed in a basket and the basket is placed on a tray together with the color cards.

Execution: The child takes the individual clothespins and clips them to the color cards for the matching color. When all the clothespins have found their correct place, they are clipped off again and everything is put back on the tray.

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