Objective: Promote color and shape perception, fine motor skills
Material: Haba Pegging game*, basket
Preparation: All wooden pieces are placed in the basket. This is placed on the tray together with the wooden stick piece and the template cards.
Execution: Either only one of the template cards is placed on the tray for the child, or the child is allowed to choose a template. The child starts looking for the matching parts from the basket and puts one piece after the other on the wooden sticks. Once the template has been copied correctly, all the pieces go back into the basket.

Car puzzle
Objective: Promote shape perception
Material: Melissa and Doug magnetic game*, basket
Preparation: All wooden pieces are placed in the basket. This is placed on the tray together with the wooden frame.
Execution: The child completes the puzzle by taking one car at a time from the basket and placing it in the frame. This puzzle is not about the motif, but really just shape perception, as the puzzle pieces all look similar and cannot be puzzled by color or motif.
Sorting circles
Objective: Promote shape perception
Material: Foam Rubber Circles*, paper, pencil, laminator*, basket
Vorbereitung: The paper will be devided into 3 parts and on the top marked with “Big”, “Medium” and “Small”. Afterwards it will get laminated. Then Rubber Foam Circles in different sized will be put into a basket. Everything is placed on a wooden tray or directly in a basket.
Execution: The child will take one circle after the other and will put it on the paper. The small ones on the field “small”, the medium in the middle and the large ones on the “Big” field. In addition, when the child lays a circle on the paper, it can e.g. say: “This is a yellow big circle”.

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