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Cognitive Perception - 2,75 years

Counting Stacker


Objective: Dealing with quantities and numbers

Material: Hape counting and matching game*, basket

Preparation: All blocks are placed in the basket, which is placed on the left side of the tray, with the sticks on the right side.

Execution: The child takes the matching colored blocks and puts them on the corresponding stick with the same colored number, then all the pieces are put back into the basket. This sticking game can be used for motor skills practice with young children as young as 1 year old. However, we think it is a great way to introduce children to numbers in a playful way. For example, it can be started with the 1 on the left when stacking up, and then started counting again from the beginning when putting each building block in each color.

Counting stacker
Test tube filling

Test tube filling


Objective: Promote memory skills

Material: Color game with balls and test tube*, basket

Preparation: All the balls are placed in the basket. This is placed on the tray together with the tweezers, the templates and the test tube.

Execution: The child draws a template card from the pile and puts the remaining cards away. Then, one by one, he or she takes the color-matching bead from the basket with the tweezers and throws it into the test tube. Then he/she pours the beads back again.

Re-create numbers


Objective: Promote the use of quantities and numbers.

Material: Melissa and Doug wooden game*, basket, paper, felt tip pens, laminator*

Preparation: Using the felt tip pens, the numbers from 1 to 4 are laid on 1/4 of a piece of paper and copied with the same color as the wooden piece. The paper is then laminated and cut into 4 pieces. The matching wooden pieces are placed in a basket and this is set on a tray together with the number templates.

Execution: The child takes one of the templates at a time, places the numbers with the matching parts according to or directly on the template and names the number. The child then moves on to the next number.

Re-create numbers
Wooden sticks puzzle

Wooden sticks puzzle


Objective: Promote memory skills

Material: Wooden sticks

Preparation: The wooden sticks are placed next to each other and taped together on one side. Then draw a picture on the other side with watercolors or markers. The tape is taken off again and the wooden sticks are put on the tray with the painted side facing up.

Execution: The child solves the puzzle by placing the sticks together in the correct order to recreate the drawn picture. When the child is finished, the sticks are mixed again and distributed on the tray.

Number clips


Objective: Promote handling of quantities and numbers

Material: Wooden clothespins, black pen, colored stickers in 8 colors*, basket, paper, laminator*

Preparation: Use the black pen to write the numbers from 1-8 on the clothespins. On the other side of each clothespin, a colored dot is glued or painted if no glue is available. Two circles of different sizes are cut from the paper. On the small circle the numbers from 1-4 are written, on the large circle the numbers from 1-8 (mixed). On the back of the numbers, the matching colored dot is glued as on the clothespins. These dots then serve as a way for the child to find out whether he or she has stuck the clothespin with the correct number in the right place. Now both circles are laminated in and cut out. Then the clothespins go into the basket and onto the tray along with the circles. Depending on the child’s level of knowledge, only the simpler circle with the numbers 1-4 can be placed on the tray.

Execution: The child takes the number circle and the corresponding clips from the basket. It clamps the clothespin with the 1 to the appropriate place on the circle and can say “one” to it. This process is repeated for all the numbers until all the clothespins are in the right place. Then the number circle is turned over and the colored dots are used to check whether all the clothespins are in the right place. Finally, all the clothespins are put back in the basket and everything goes back on the tray.

Number Clips
Count dots

Counting dots

Objective: Promote counting

Material: Clothespins, colorful stickers*, white paper, black pencil, scissors, laminator*, basket

Preparation: The numbers from 1 to 8 are written on the clothespins and a colored dot is glued on the back of each one. These are placed in a basket.
Circles of different sizes are cut out of a paper and divided into compartments with a pencil. Then glue a different amount of colored dots into the different compartments. The colors should not match those on the clothespins, because the stickers matching the colors on the clothespins are now glued to the back of the circles. These serve as colored checkpoints to see if the clothespins have been clipped in the right places, which means that the dots have been counted correctly. Then the basket with the clothespins and the circles are placed together on the tray.

Execution: The child chooses a color circle and starts counting the colored dots. It then clamps the clothespin with the corresponding number in the middle of the counted compartment. When all the dots have been counted, the circle is turned over and the colored dots on the clips and the back of the circle are used to check if all the clothespins are in the right place.
Finally, all the clothespins are put back into the basket and the basket is placed back on the tray together with the circles.

Sticker number spellings


Objective: Promote dealing with quantities and numbers

Material: Colorful stickers*, black pen, paper

Preparation: With the pen, a paper is divided into 4 columns and the numbers from 1-4 are written in the upper row. On the colored stickers the most different ways of writing, such as cubes, Roman numerals, dots, etc. are written for the numbers from 1-4.

Execution: The child sticks in the columns under the numbers the suitable stickers, which stand for the same number. When he/she puts the sticker, he/she can say aloud: “This is a “1””.

Sticker number spellings
Sticking by numbers

Sticking by numbers

Objective: Promote counting

Material: Colored stickers*, paper, black pen

Preparation: The numbers from 1-8 are drawn as colorable numbers on a white paper. This is placed on a tray together with colored stickers.

Execution: The child sticks the same number of stickers in all numbers as the number provides. So 1 sticker is put in the 1 and 8 stickers in the 8. The child can count aloud while sticking. 

Laying cards


Objective: Promote dealing with quantities and numbers

Material: Picture cards*

Preparation: The picture cards are placed on the tray in 3 piles, cubes, numbers and animals.

Execution: The child puzzles the 3 different cards with the same number together.
While the child is placing the cards, he/she can name the number.
When the child has placed all the matching pairs of numbers, the cards are again divided into the 3 piles and mixed.

Laying cards

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