Colored Q-tips
Objective: Promote memory skills
Material: Q-tips, acrylic paints, paper, scissors, felt-tip pens, laminator*, basket
Preparation: The ends of the Q-tips are colorfully painted with acrylic paints. Then place them on a paper and trace and paint the ends in the same colors as the Q-tips ends were painted with the acrylic paints. Make sure to always paint 3 different Q-tips on one template. The paper is then laminated to last longer and cut into cards. These are then placed in a basket on the tray together with the Q-tips.
Execution: The children each take a template from the pile of cards, look for the corresponding Q-tips from the basket, name the two colors of the ends and then place the Q-tip on the card in the appropriate place.

Number Puzzle
Objective: Learning to count
Material: Puzzle*
Preparation: The puzzle pieces are mixed and placed on the tray. At the beginning, for example, only the pairs 1-3 can be put on the tray and then the child can gradually increase to 10.
Execution: The child puzzles the pieces together. For example, the child can count out loud while counting the fruits and then look for the matching number and puzzle it together. If the counting is correct, the puzzle pieces fit together. The number of puzzle pairs can also be made dependent on the child’s level of knowledge. For this, it is possible to start with the lower pairs and then gradually increase. When the child is finished, all the pieces are shuffled and placed back on the tray.
Numbers layers
Objective: Promote memory and first counting skills
Material: HABA layer puzzle*, basket
Preparation: All puzzle pieces are placed in the basket and the basket is placed on the tray together with the game board.
Execution: The child counts the points and accordingly looks for the other two pieces with the number and the matching number of animals from the basket. The color of the puzzle pieces can be used to check if the counting was correct.
When the child is finished, all the pieces are put back into the basket and then everything is put on the tray.

Copying sticker patterns
Objective: Promote memory skills
Material: Colorful stickers*, Dots Markers*, ruler, white paper, black pencil
Preparation: Draw an identical number of empty squares on the upper and lower half of the paper. Draw dots in each of the upper squares with the Dots Markers. Make sure to use colors that are also available as sticker colors.
Then the finished paper and the colorful stickers are placed on a tray.
Execution: The child copies the colored fields from top to bottom by sticking a sticker with the same color as above into the same lower field in each case. I.e. starting from the top left, first a red sticker, then an orange one, then green, and so on. In addition, the child can name the corresponding color while sticking.
Ladybug dots stickers
Objective: Promote memory skills
Material: Colorful stickers*, white paper, black pencil
Preparation: Ladybugs are drawn on a blank sheet of paper. These are then covered with colorful stickers on their left side. The ladybug sheet is placed on a tray with stickers of the same colors.
Execution: The child sticks the same stickers on the right side of the ladybugs mirror-inverted as on the left side. While sticking he/she can also say the color of the dot aloud.
Depending on the age of the child, more or fewer dots can be glued into the ladybugs to vary the level of difficulty.

Fraction skittles
Objective: Promote fraction calculation
Material: Fraction skittles*
Preparation: All the cone pieces are placed mixed up on the tray and next to them on the right is the insert base.
Execution: The child tries to reassemble all 4 cones to a whole. The child can explain how many parts there were to get a first feeling for 1/2, 1/3 and 1/4. When all 4 cones have been reassembled, they are then disassembled again.
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