First sewing on
Objective: Promote fine motor skills, color and shape perception
Material: Haba threading game*
Preparation: The “wooden buttons” are placed in a small basket. The basket is placed on the tray together with a board and a string.
Execution: The child starts on the left and chooses the appropriate button from the basket. It “sews” the button on by starting at the bottom and threading the shape, then it looks for the second piece and continues until all 5 pieces are attached to the board. Then all the pieces are unthreaded again and placed back in the basket. This is shuffled through.
The child learns through this how to improve his fine motor skills and to recognize the right shape in the right color, but also simulates a first sewing on of buttons, which can also be assigned to the category of practical life exercises.
Das Kind lernt hierdurch nicht nur seine Feinmotorik zu verbessern und die richtige Form in der richtigen Farbe zu erkennen, sondern Simuliert auch ein erstes Annähen von Knöpfen, was auch der Kategorie Lebenspraktische Übungen zugeordnet werden kann.
Objective: Promote fine motor skills and shape perception
Material: Constructor Set*
Preparation: Various parts from the Constructor Set are assembled. This 3D motif is placed on the tray. The parts needed for the motif are taken from the Constructor Set again and placed in the basket. Basket and 3D motif are placed on the tray.
Execution: The child builds the 3D motif with the parts from the basket. When finished, he or she disassembles the motif and puts all the pieces back into the basket.
The difficulty of this tray can be increased with the complexity of the 3D pattern.
Shape laying
Objective: Promote fine motor skills, color and shape perception
Material: Melissa and Doug Shape Game*
Preparation: The game is placed on a tray or directly on the shelf.
Execution: The child chooses a template and begins to cover the template with the wooden pieces. As an increase in difficulty, the game can be modified in that the child does not cover the template, but instead replicates it.
Cube puzzle animals
Objective: Promote visual perception
Material: Animals cube puzzle*
Preparation: All cubes are placed mixed up on the tray.
Execution: The child chooses a puzzle piece and puzzles the animals together. Then all the cubes are shuffled and put back on the board.
Duplo recreation part 1
Objective: Promote color and shape perception
Material: Colorful small Duplo, colorful paper, white paper, glue, laminator*, basket
Preparation: The white paper is cut into long strips, a little narrower than A5 size. From the colored paper, cut out parts in the same size as the small Duplo bricks. Then the colored parts are celted onto the paper like towers. In each case 4 parts on top of each other. The whole thing is then laminated in for longer durability and the corners are rounded after lamination, so that the child can not hurt himself on the sharp corners. All Duplo bricks are placed in a basket, which is then placed on a tray together with the template cards.
Execution: The child chooses a pattern that he or she would like to copy and builds the tower with the Duplo bricks. Afterwards, the tower can be placed on the template card to check whether it is correct.
When the child is finished, he or she puts all the Duplo bricks back into the basket and onto the tray together with the template cards.
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