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Visual Perception - 24 month

Fruit puzzle


Objective: Promote shape perception

Material: Magnetical Fruits*, basket

Preparation: The fruit is disassembled and placed in the basket. The basket is placed on the tray.

Execution: The child puzzles the fruit back together. Once a fruit is finished, the child can say the name of the fruit. When all the fruit has been puzzled together, it is taken apart again into its individual parts.

Cylinder Puzzle 3
Cylinder puzzle all in

Cylinder puzzle 3

Objective: Promote hand-eye coordination and shape perception

Material: Wooden cylinders with different heights and the same height but different thickness*, basket

Preparation: All cylinders are taken out of the molds and placed in the basket. This is placed on a tray on the left. The two molds are placed to the right

Execution: The child takes the cylinders out of the basket and looks for the matching hole in the molds. Here, the child learns about different heights and thicknesses. Once all the cylinders are in the shapes, they are placed back in the basket.
This tray promotes both shape perception and the child’s motor skills.

Cylinder puzzle 4

Objective: Promote eye-hand coordination and shape perception

Material: Wooden cylinders small and wide to large and slim and large and wide to small and slim*, basket

Preparation: All cylinders are taken out of the molds and placed in the basket. This is placed on a tray on the left. To the right, the two molds are placed.

Execution: The child takes the cylinders out of the basket and looks for the matching hole in the shapes. Here, the child learns about different heights and thicknesses. Once all the cylinders are in the shapes, they are placed back in the basket.
This tray promotes both shape perception and the child’s motor skills.

Cylinder puzzle 4
Cylinder puzzle all in

Cylinder puzzle all in

Objective: Promote eye-hand coordination and shape perception

Material: Wooden cylinder puzzle*, basket

Preparation: All cylinders are taken out of the molds and placed in the basket. This is placed on a tray on the left. The shapes are placed to the right.

Execution: The child takes the cylinders out of the basket and looks for the matching hole in the shapes. Here the child learns about different heights and thicknesses. Once all the cylinders are in the shapes, they are placed back in the basket.
This tray promotes both shape perception and the child’s motor skills.

Name stickers

Objective: Promote color perception and fine motor skills

Material: Paper, colorful stickers*, black pen, Dots Marker*

Preparation: The child’s name is written on a sheet of paper. Then make colorful dots along the lettering with the Dots Markers. Stickers in the same colors as the dots are then placed on a tray along with the paper.

Execution: The child sticks the colorful stickers on the dots on his name. If the child is already this far along in his/her development, he/she can name the letter aloud whenever a letter has been completely stickered.

Name stickers
Glue circles

Glue circles

Objective: Promote eye-hand coordination, pincer grasp and size perception

Material: Paper, small colorful stickers*, large colorful stickers*

Preparation: Large and small dots are glued randomly onto a sheet of paper. This paper is placed on a tray together with small and large stickers that match in size.

Execution: The child takes the stickers and puts the large stickers on the large circles and the small stickers on the small circles. This is a great exercise to encourage size awareness.

Clothespins clip

Objective: Promote color perception, tweezer grip and fine motor skills

Material: Clothespins game*, basket

Preparation: All clothespins are placed in the basket and one or more of the wooden cling cards are placed together with the basket on a tray.

Execution: The child chooses one of the peg cards and starts clipping the clothespins with the correct color to the matching places on the card. When the child is finished, all the clothespins are clipped off again and everything is put back on the tray.

farbige Wäscheklammern klipsen

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