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Visual Perception - 15 month

4 pieces puzzle

4 pieces puzzle

Objective: Promote shape perception and eye-hand coordination

Material: 4 pieces puzzle*

Preparation: Place the puzzle pieces in the basket and place it on the tray to the left. Put the frames on the right side of the tray.

Execution: The child places the puzzle pieces in the frames provided, promoting hand-eye coordination on the one hand and an understanding of shapes on the other. The puzzle pieces are then returned to the basket.
This puzzle promotes not only the shape perception but also the motor skills of the child.

Box with closing mechanism part 1

Objective: Promote shape perception and eye-hand coordination

Material: Box with closing mechanism*

Preparation: The cube is placed next to the box on a tray.

Execution: The child takes the cube and puts it through the opening. Then he/she has to open the lock to get the cube back. When the cube is out, the child has to close the lock again.

Box with closing mechanism part 1
Box with closing mechanism part 2

Box with closing mechanism part 2

Objective: Promote shape perception and eye-hand coordination

Material: Box with locking mechanism*

Preparation: The half cylinder is placed next to the box on a tray.

Execution: The child takes the half cylinder and puts it through the opening. Then he/she has to open the lock to get the object back. When he/she has taken out the half cylinder, he/she has to close the lock again.
These boxes come in different shapes and locking mechanisms. Depending on the child’s progress, a different box and locking mechanism can be used. We have presented here two of the six boxes of the set.

Circle puzzle

Objective: Promote shape perception and eye-hand coordination

Material: Circle puzzle*

Preparation: All puzzle pieces are taken out of the mold and placed on a tray together with the wooden board. Ideally, the pieces are placed to the left of the board, since puzzling from left to right then lays an important foundation for later reading.

Execution: The child puzzles the pieces into the frame. When all the pieces have been successfully placed in the frame, they are put back on the tray.
Caution: The small circle is very small, so please only under adult supervision.

Cycle puzzle
Layer puzzle circles

Layer puzzle circles

Objective: Promote shape perception and eye-hand coordination

Material: HABA Puzzle*

Preparation: All pieces are taken out of the mold and placed on a tray to the left of the mold.

Execution: The child puts the layer puzzle back together. This helps the child to get to know the different sizes, since the small pieces will no longer fit into the mold if the large pieces were placed in the frame first.
When all the pieces have been placed correctly, they are taken out of the mold again as they were before and placed next to it on the tray.


Objective: Promote shape perception and eye-hand coordination

Material: HEADU Flashcards*

Preparation: Depending on the child’s progress, different numbers of flashcards with matching puzzle pieces are placed on the tray.

Execution: The child puzzles the pieces into the frame. When all pieces have been successfully placed in the frame, they are placed back on the tray. If the child can already speak, he/she can say the name of the object for each flashcard.
Afterwards, all the pieces are puzzled and returned to the tray.


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