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Tactile Perception - 3 years

Colorful feeling balloons

Objective: Promote sensitivity

Material: Colorful balloons, small bags, colorful stickers* in the same colors as the balloons, various filling materials

Preparation: Various filling materials are chosen that are different sizes and feel different. These are each filled into a transparent bag as well as into a balloon. The balloons are knotted and the bags are glued up. Afterwards, small colorful stickers in the same color as the matching balloon filled with the same material are stuck on the backs of the bags. These stickers serve as checkpoints for the child to see if he or she has matched the balloon to the correct bag. All the balloons and bags are placed on the tray. The bags are placed with the control points facing down.

Execution: The child takes a balloon and feels the filling material. He puts the balloon to the bag that he/she thinks contains the material of the balloon. The child repeats this process until all the balloons have been assigned to one bag. Afterwards, they can turn the bags over and check whether they have assigned all the balloons to the correct bag using the colored dots. When the child has finished, all the pieces are placed back on the tray as they were originally.

Colorful feeling balloons

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