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Cognitive Perception - 4 years

Laying an hexagon


Objective: Promote dealing with quantities

Material: Wooden pieces from Melissa and Doug*, paper, laminator*, felt-tip pens, basket, scissors

Preparation: Copy all 4 different parts, copy each onto a quarter of the paper at the top with the same color and write 1/1, 1/2, etc. underneath. The paper is then laminated and cut into 4 individual cards. The wooden pieces are placed in a basket and everything is put together on a tray.

Execution: The child tries to lay a full hexagon with each of the differently colored parts. The yellow piece serves as a template. Afterwards, the child can be asked how many pieces he or she needed to create the hexagon with these pieces.

Laying an hexagon
3D figures reproduction

3D figures reproduction


Objective: Promote dealing with quantities

Material: Magnetic cube with cards*

Preparation: All parts of the cube and the cards are placed on a tray. Depending on the age of the child, it is recommended to start with the cards with the lowest difficulty level.

Execution: The child chooses a template card from the pile. Then he/she chooses the appropriate parts from the magnets, which are indicated on the top of the template card, and begins to build the 3D construct with them.
If a child still has extreme difficulty with this, it is also possible to paint the cards with the appropriate colors to make the process a little easier.
The cube can also be given to smaller children in general to experiment with the parts.

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